Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Salt of the Earth

Elder and Sister "C"
In historic times and before, salt was of extreme importance. It is an essential compound to maintain life. Without it food does not taste as well. But most of all we take it for granted. It's always there when we need it. But this has not always been so. At times, wars have been fought for salt and salt was used as a valuable medium of exchange. Like many things in life we don.t know the true value until we don't have it anymore.

Now let me tell you about some "salt of the earth" that we have found here in the Tennessee Nashville Mission. I hope if they read this, now they are no longer with us in the mission office, they will forgive me for the spotlight. Elder and Sister "C" are those rare people most of us meet a few times in our life that we instantly bond with and become fast friends. I hope that now they are home they will not forget us. But in the short time we had together, they taught us much about giving to others, testimony, hard work, and loving the Lord and his children. They were always at the office before us and we couldn't stay long enough to leave before they did. If something needed to be done for the mission or missionaries they did it in spite of any inconvenience to what they had planned. We are finding it hard to fill their shoes but are trying.

We often judge others by their appearance. From the above photo would you believe this man has been a bishop and stake president, raises and trains Belgium draft horses, has owned and flown his own airplane, and been mayor of a central Utah town? Sister C is a mother of six and filled many Church callings along the way. In the mission office she keeps the missionaries supplied with referrals and did all the mission correspondence.  She was always helping in the mission home when mission events took place.

This salt has not lost it's savior and I doubt it ever will.  I hope we will all look at the things of true value in our life and hold on dearly.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had great mentors and friends. The end of a calling is finally when I find I have a handle and confidence at what I'm doing. I know you guys are doing wonderful things.
