The Assistants |
On with the story. Last Monday, we picked up a new Dodge Caravan for use by the Assistants and the President and his family. When I got back to the office they were waiting and salivating at the thoughts of driving this wonder car. (See Jeff. Some young people appreciate fine cars). I knew we had something special as it said Miracle on the back of the car. (It's from Miracle Dodge). They wanted to take it for their evening appointments, so I let them with my empty threat, "You get a scratch on it you are dead meat".
The next day they told their tale. While stopped at a light, an old green car came down the hill directly towards them out of control. No way was it going to avoid them. All they could think of was "Elder P. is going to kill us". Just as impact was about to happen, another car came through the intersection on the green light and was t-boned by the out of control car, saving our van. A miracle. The guy ran off, a hit and run. The elders stayed and helped the lady who was hit and even got a teaching appointment out of the incident.
Why were our Elders saved? Pure and simple. Obedience. It pays.
Love the Miracle Van story! Another tender mercy I think. Thanks for sharing with us.